Stretch Goals 1 and 2 Added - Left Hand Risers
over 6 years ago
– Wed, May 23, 2018 at 11:56:10 PM
Hi Everyone
Earlier this week we hit the 300% pledged mark! Thank you to everyone who has supported this campaign in bringing this exciting product to life! We really appreciate you!
Due to this positive support for the project I have just added 2 stretch goals to the campaign for left handed bows. We got a lot of requests in the past 10 days to do so. Due to the high cost of duplicating tooling for the left hand riser we are setting a stretch goal of $60,000 for the left hand riser which will be available in 50# and 55# versions only.
In order to open up more 45# limbs to have this available in the left handed version we also added a 2nd stretch goal at $75,000.
Please can you share this campaign on any social media platforms available to you and help us bring the left hand version to life in addition to the right hand option.
Thank you and have a great rest of the week!!
Doug Shadwell
We smashed the first week! Bows are in production!
over 6 years ago
– Fri, May 18, 2018 at 08:00:17 PM
Hi Everyone!
First of all I would like to thank everyone who has already contributed to this campaign! For those of you who backed our project, thank you very much! We funded in under 9 hours and are currently at 273% at the end of our first week.
For those of you who helped us by sharing our campaign on social media, also a big shout-out and thank you to you too! Please feel free to share our campaign as well as our review video from David at Ultimate Survival Tips using either or both of these two links or by sharing directly from the campaign page using the social media buttons:
With the great success of the first week I have decided to press the "Start of Production" button and the first bows have started their long production process. So, that pretty much guarantees the project will be completed. We also started ordering the small parts tooling and getting the final parts under way.
For those of you who are still thinking about buying a bow please let me know if you have any questions and I will answer them for you. These bows are going at a great price during this campaign so now would be the best time to purchase.
I hope everyone enjoys a nice restful or exciting outdoors weekend wherever in the world you are!
Best regards,
Doug Shadwell